

Hi there. I’m George, a twenty-something year old guy from London (the British one). That’s me up there giving zero shits about a stupid medal.

In August 2015 I signed up for Ironman Kalmar 2016, off the back of a couple of sprint triathlons and an aquathlon. I started the Half-Rust blog at the same time, detailing three things week by week: my training and exploits over a year of trying to become an Ironman; how triathlon and athletics intertwined with my history of suicidal depression and self harm; and my fundraising for the Maytree Suicide Respite Centre, a small London-based charity supporting people in suicidal crisis.

All of these things went quite well.

After taking a well-deserved break, I decided that I’d take this site a bit further than the year it was originally intended for, and continue to expand on myself and how I use sports to bring two disparate parts of myself back together. There will probably be some amusing stuff, some touching stuff, and a lot of foul language along the way. You’re most welcome.